Sunday, March 15, 2015


The biggest challenge of the perfect face of make up is the perfect eyebrow.
 I personally have struggled with this on a daily basis, so when I came across this piece, I decided to share with any fellow perfect eyebrow wannabes out there... Lol.
So here it is..

If you have an eyebrow brush set, even better, they are readily available in stores. But if not, dig into your make up purse and let's improvise! The most important thing is to understand the steps..

1. Prep the brows by brushing all in one direction
2. Groom/trim brows if necessary
3. Draw one bold bottom line and stop line half way
4. Draw faint top line, stop half way
5. With your angled brush, finish the tail of the brow
6. Blend both lines up, in and out
7. Using your concealer, define and clean up your bottom line (Use your foundation to clean up the top)
8. BLEND !!!

Stay fab, girls!

 credit :

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